The Truth in Transformation.
Change. I want you to take a second and focus on this small, six-letter word, that has the power and might to invoke some seriously enormous feelings. Change represents a shift, a transfer, an exchange in the person you are today for the “someone” you aspire to be someday. Becoming the “best version” of oneself is so highly sought after, that the self-improvement market roughly generates about ten billion dollars every year. Read that again; ten billion freaking dollars! Eight million out of that ten billion is used to publish self-help books and create podcasts that give you access to step-by-step processes on how to reach your goals, break those bad habits and chase down your dreams without hesitation. They are specifically and intricately designed to light a fire under our lazy and stagnant butts, and help us help ourselves. You would think with a ten billion dollar industry, specifically created to help each of us become the best version of ourselves, we would all have our stuff together! So why is it that 96% of people that purchase self-help products fail in the area of their own personal development? Uh, hello, I’m waving my hand in the air as we speak because I am one of those 96%. Self-help books are one of my guilty pleasures – can someone say, “Girl, Wash Your Face?!” I have to admit though, that when the magic and the fire of those pretty words wear off, and the stressors and weariness of real life set in, I become a failed statistic. And friend, I have a strange feeling you might be a lot like me. Why is it so hard to break those bad habits, or stick to those goals? If you want it, I can give you my reasoning – it’s because the very solution to the problems we’re carrying starts with change.
It’s so easy to read a book, or listen to a podcast, and fall in love with the idea of transformation. It’s a lot more difficult to actually make the choice to put what we hear into practice. So many times, I’ll walk away from a book or a podcast feeling so fired up and ready to take on that next big dream or work on improving that part of myself that is lacking. But within a few weeks, or months, I find myself exhausted and burnt out. I get so frustrated and angry with myself when this happens, which then breeds this air of disappointment that I cannot shake. Before you know it, the dream seems so far from attainable, and that part of myself that seems lacking now looks impossibly intimidating. I go back to my comfort zone, where I at least feel a little less stressed out, and pick up another self-help book or press play on that next podcast. Maybe this one, this time will be different and I will actually follow through. The truth is, though, that change is so hard because it requires us to step out of our convenient routines and give up a part of ourselves that we have grown comfortably acquainted to.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a good self-help book or podcast just as much as the next person. I think they can be very helpful in pushing us toward the right things. Sometimes though, I think we spend too much time reading those self-help books, and not enough time with the Author of our Souls. I’m going to be brutally honest with you here, friend, and say that I do not believe true, honest, down to your soul change can come from a self-help book or podcast. True transformation will always begin and end at the feet of Jesus. It starts with the daily choice to surrender those dreams, goals, and hurts to the only One who has the true power to change your heart and your mindset. Do I think self-help books and podcasts are advantageous? Absolutely; but only when you are taking the words of someone like Rachel Hollis and comparing them to the voice of your Maker. Although you may enjoy the words of your favorite pastor or motivational speaker, if you are not seeking the voice of Jesus daily and choosing to humble yourself before Him, I do not believe you will find lasting change.
The first step in true change begins with a choice. It’s a choice to sacrifice a little time in our crazy day to get into the Word of God and seek Him. It doesn’t have to be this huge, extravagant meeting where you are striving to do this because you feel like you have to. It’s a time to enter the presence of the One who already knows your biggest dreams, and sees those parts of yourself you have been dying to change, but just can’t find the strength to do it on your own. It’s a time to feel completely safe and accepted, despite your flaws and inconsistencies, and allow the Lord to change your heart through His intense love for you. I find that when I stop focusing on the part of myself I want to change, and focus on just spending time with my Creator, the transformation I crave happens naturally. Why? Because we can’t walk away from the Presence of God, the Presence of someone so mighty and who loves us so tenderly, and remain the same! It’s in those quiet moments with Him, when we are completely open and completely vulnerable, that He finally has room to move in our hearts and minds. Thus, transformation is born! Is this process easy? No! It may mean you give up sleeping in, or sacrifice time away from your favorite Netflix show. But friend, the lasting joy, peace and freedom you will find is so worth missing that new episode of This Is Us.
I want to give you a little snapshot of someone in the Bible that completely understood the importance of spending time with the Father.
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.” -Mark 1:35
“After He dismissed them, He went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray.” -Matthew 14:23
“One of those days, Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.” -Luke 6:12
“He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.” -Luke 22:41-43
Jesus, the Son of God Himself, was always in constant communication with His Father. He knew the power and importance that came from withdrawing from His day for a while in order to spend time with God. I think Jesus did this to set an example for us as His followers, so we would recognize the significance of seeking His voice and yearning to spend time in His presence.
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” -Romans 12:2
The pattern of this world will tell you to keep striving, to keep hustling, to keep working towards what makes you feel alive. What the world leaves out though, is that we cannot expect to do great things without first learning to seek the voice of the One who is greater. So Warriors, my challenge for all of us this week is to find time seeking His voice. Pick a time out of your crazy, hectic schedule and just allow Him to drench you with His unconditional love and life changing grace. Choose Him, let Him be your guide, and I promise you will walk away forever transformed; forever changed.