Towards the end of 2019, the Lord gave me a word to hold onto for the coming year, and that word was behold.
At that time, I was walking through a very spiritually dry season and was longing for more in my relationship with God.
So, on a cold, dark December morning in 2019, I read David’s words from Psalm 63:1-5 when he was in the desert of Judah,

After reading this passage, I realized that David’s cry was my own.
Amidst the mundane of everyday life, I wanted to encounter God. I wanted to stop treating my time with God as a thing to be checked off my list, and I wanted to learn how to walk in relationship with Him throughout each day.
David was crying out for the presence of God and it wasn’t until David noticed God’s presence and beheld His power and glory that he became fully satisfied.
It was in David’s paying attention to the workings and movings of God, in his beholding, that he found wholeness in Christ.
And I believe that when we pay attention and behold all the ways in which God moves in our own lives, we are made whole, too.
2020 was an invitation from the Lord to behold Him in all things; the everyday mundane, the chaos, my relationships, my dreams, goals, fears and so much more.
Since that time, beholding has become a way of life for me; a rhythm to which I set my pace to. And if there’s anything I’ve learned in my beholding journey, it’s that God really is within all things.
If you find yourself in a spiritually dry season, friend, whether it be due to an overloaded schedule, a stale routine, or a hurt that ails you, I want to help you slow down, seek still moments, and notice God’s presence with you in the everyday.
Your daily devotional time with the Lord, although very important and life-giving, isn’t the only place to encounter God.
Because the reality is, you are never outside of His presence, and no matter what you’re doing, He is always with you.
There is no moment in any one of your days that God is exempt from and He’s simply waiting for you to notice Him.
Not in a pushy, nosy sort of way. But in a slow, quiet uncovering kind of way.
Because He knows that when you do start to pay attention to His presence with you, you’ll finally be able to receive the gifts He’s wanting to give you.
Gifts like peace, joy, security, and a sense of true identity in Christ.
